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Independent Financial Advisory

The wealth management service division is the core of Jaspar. We keep you as our central focal point and every service we offer revolves around achieving your financial goals. The charges to most of these services is zero or nominal as we earn our remuneration through the trailing commission. Our DNA is to coach our investors so that you know the trade and are fully conscious about investment environment in which your corpus is invested to meet your financial goal.

Independent Financial Advisory

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If you are an investor who wants an Independent Financial Advisor to advise for your financial planning, we can arrange to find out one who can offer you such service. Typically, an IFA charges Investment Advisory Fee, which is almost same to that of trailing commission that Jaspar earns through the distribution of Regular Schemes. For execution purpose you can touch base with us. When you are under an IFA, we will help you to execute your investment plan under Direct Scheme.

Jaspar is at your arms reach

If you have already taken the service of an IFA, but looking to get your plan executed, please touch base with us so that we can help you to execute your investments through direct plan.

The Investment Advisory Services Division of Jaspar onboards you to the services of an Independent Financial Advisor (IFA) when you opt for it. We will also help you to get onboarded to an IFA in case Jaspar could not meet your expectation.

An Independent Financial Advisor offers a wide range of services, including investment management, retirement planning, tax planning, estate planning, and insurance advice. They provide personalized financial strategies tailored to your individual needs and goals, helping you make informed decisions about your financial future.

Globally, an IFA is compensated in several ways including fee-only, commission based, or a combination of both. In India IFAs are not allowed to charge any commission on the transaction they execute. They are allowed only to charge a flat fee. Their charges are around 1% of the total value of assets under advisory.

An Independent Financial Advisor helps you create a comprehensive retirement plan by assessing your current financial situation, setting realistic retirement goals, and developing a strategy to achieve those goals. They provide advice on retirement accounts, investment strategies, and income planning to ensure you have sufficient funds to maintain your desired lifestyle during retirement.

When choosing an Independent Financial Advisor, consider their qualifications, experience, and reputation. Look for advisors who hold certifications such as Certified Financial Planner (CFP) or Chartered Wealth Manager (CWM). Check their track record and client testimonials, and ensure they have experience in dealing with financial situations similar to yours. Transparency in communication and a clear understanding of their fee structure are also essential factors to consider.

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