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Portfolio Management

Portfolio Management Services (PMS) are offered to clients who can invest Rs.50 lakhs and above.  Typically, individuals such as HNI, UHNI, Corporates and Endowment institutions looks for these types of big-ticket investments. Jaspar work with clients to understand their investment goals, assess their current portfolio, and develop a personalized investment strategy that aligns with their goals. Our portfolio management services include asset allocation, diversification, and risk management.

Wealth Management provides portfolio management services to help clients manage their investments effectively. Our advisors work with clients to understand their investment goals, assess their current portfolio, and develop a personalized investment strategy that aligns with their goals. Our portfolio management services include asset allocation, diversification, and risk management.

Why Portfolio Management

Corporates uses our advisory division to manage their treasury that appropriate certain amount as sinking fund investments to replace their existing asset when it is due for renewal or to redeem their debt issue when it matures. It is advisable for corporates to maintain certain portion of their assets as financial asset so that they can use it during their liquidity needs.

Endowment institutions such as Schools, Colleges, Universities, Hospitals and Charities, need to meet their future income and / or growth needs to manage their future expenses. Similarly for Foundations such as Churches, Temples and other Charitable institutions, we provide Investment Advisory services and help them to find out the best PMS that meets their financial goals.

Our Wealth Management Service division is appointed by corporates and institutions to provide investment consultation before they employ Portfolio Management Services. We work with corporates to clearly understand their investment needs and find a suitable PMS which is cost and return effective given their investment horizon. We also work with Schools, Colleges, Hospitals and Charities to thoroughly understands their investment need before onboarding them to PMS services.


Portfolio management is the professional management of investments to achieve financial goals.

Anyone who wants to invest but lacks the time, expertise or risk management skills to do it on their own.

No, portfolio management can be suitable for anyone with investment goals.

A portfolio manager can help you create a diversified portfolio of investments, regularly monitor and adjust it as necessary, and provide professional expertise and market insights to help you achieve your financial goals.

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